Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Can Alternative Energy Replace Fossil Fuels An Environmental Sciences Essay

Can Alternative Energy Replace Fossil Fuels An Environmental Sciences Essay At the beginning of the 21st century people started to realize that fossil fuels are not renewable and they are consumed too quickly so people believe that there will not be a source for future generations. Activists try to tell people about the consequences of lack of energy in terms of economy or environment, so consciousness of the situation increases each day with the help of activists. However, the public and also the government do not do anything to amend this situation. Professor Emeritus of History, Geography, and American Studies at the University of Texas, Alfred W. Crosby asserts that Alternative sources of energy can become a satisfactory substitute for fossil fuels such as coal, oil, petroleum and diesel if we put as much effort and genius in the effort as we did in producing the first atomic bomb(alternativeenergy.procon.org , para 3). However some others believe that alternative energy cannot meet our need sufficiently. Also its hard to find a suitable place and the hi gh technology to build this kind of structure. There are both pros and cons about using alternative energy which makes it difficult to find the most reliable way, however considering all these various approaches, we can conclude that fossil fuels are more harmful. There are many type of carbon based source which contain huge amount of energy such as coal, oil, natural gas. They are most common source to create energy. Especially in Turkey almost all energy comes from fossil fuels (%99.6). There are some specific places to produce such as Zonguldak for coal or Batman for oil. Underground coal mining sector very taught because working condition is disaster but, people have to work this job because of unemployment. However coal mining have enormous dangerous for health because it cause lung disease. Also cause deaths due to underground coal-mining accidents have been recorded officially since 1941, and a total of 3094 deaths were reported between 1941 and 2003(Kucuker,1). Although this kind of evidence, both government and companies not take any precaution about disasters. Almost the same situation happens in Batman which has most of oil source in Turkey. Some worker suffer from similar problem like health and condition, because they do not know their right in terms of both health and safety even if they are aware of their right companies employ worker on daily-bases so they can not seek their right consequently companies exploit worker easily. In the beginning of industrial age, countries used fossil fuels for their own development without thought about its effect on people and the environment. They also ignored pollution and damage to the environment but this careless behaviour has caused irreversible consequences such as greenhouse effect of burning fossil fuels traps the concentration of carbon dioxide so this also increase heat as a result global warming occur. Therefore people should work together to establish non-governmental organizations to prevent violation and unnecessary usage, because the world supply will not be enough for the next generation. Professor of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, M. S. Dresselhaus also emphasised that fossil fuels currently supply most of the worlds energy needs, world reserves of oil are about 1.61014   (11012  barrels). World consumption is about 1.21010  a day. World reserves of natural gas are about 1.41014  m3; gross production of gas is about 2.41012  m3  per y ear. World coal reserves are about 9.11011  tonnes; annual consumption is about 4.5109  tonnes per year. However unacceptable their long-term consequence, he assert that the supplies are likely to remain adequate for the next few generations. Scientists and policy makers must make use of this period of grace to assess alternative sources of energy and determine what is scientifically possible, environmentally acceptable and technologically promising. Briefly fossil fuels such as coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear power supply most of the worlds energy needs in today world but they are not adequate for future generation without alternative energy. The world has many alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, and bio fuels are possible energy type which can replace fossil fuels. Like fossil fuels these energy types have several advantages and disadvantages. Wind and solar power cause no pollution and are renewable and also wind and solar power are free. The only cost of solar and wind power is the installation and construction of the structure. Nevertheless, both wind and solar energy is inconsistent. It means wind intensity or sunny weather can change. Moreover geothermal energy built upon steam power so they drill holes in the steamy area and steam caused shoot up and drive turbines. Geothermal central should build correctly otherwise harmful gases and mineral can be released. Furthermore, hydroelectric central work with the help of accumulation of water so energy production is constant. However construction of dam is very expensive and sometimes especially in Turkey dam can damage historical p lace like Hasankeyf in the east of Turkey. Lastly like wind and solar power bio fuels is renewable. Ethanol is the main element of creating energy which is made from corn. It decreases the usage of gas but cost of conversion very expensive. In addition, Some countries realize the variety of alternative energy and pay attention to these. Spain and Germany are very serious about creating alternative energy. They use many kind of alternative energy but lost of countries just use hydroelectrical energy in the name of alternative energy. However they do not realize that for example solar energy more powerful than hydroelectrical energy. Dieter Eissel assert that the sun radiates 174 peta-watts (PW). Of this, about 30 percent is re ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ected back to space, while the rest is absorbed by atmosphere, clouds, oceans and land masses. The total volume of radiation absorbed by oceans and lands reaches up to 89 PW. Therefore, solar energy can provide 2,850 times more energy than current world demand. In comparison, the multiple for hydro power is 3, 5 for geothermal, 20 for biomass, and 200 for wind energy (Fischedick, 2000). This means that all nations need the solar radiation of just one day to meet their energy demands for a whole year. However, settle that kind of energy source is very expensive and little utopian. Nevertheless still reducing fossil fuels help prevent the pollution. According to one of the most comprehensive plans for future sustainable energy provision launched in June 2010 by Greenpeace and the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC), a sustainable World Energy Outlook provides a detailed practical blueprint for cutting carbon emissions while achieving economic growth by replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy and energy efficiency (Eissel, 4). Also, there are some kinds of energy types which are related to fossil fuels but not that much harm such as natural gas and nuclear power. Natural gas release methane gas instead of carbon dioxide and methane gas does not cause greenhouse effect it increases the amount of natural gas reserves a little bit higher than fossil fuels. Nuclear power creates a huge amount of energy however risk also very high because if plants accidentally release something its damage may be catasrophic. In the end although fossil fuels have the possibility of least harm to the environment is still a risk. Therefore alternative energy must be encouraged by government and the public. Otherwise countries will start to fight each other because of lack of resource of fossil fuel in fact they already start to fight as resource become limited and countries may occupy an oil-rich country under the name of peace or some unethical reason to take control of oil-reserves. On the other hand, some people claim that the world has enough fossil fuel supplies for at least 2-3 decades. They think that this issue not of great urgency. At the same time they believe alternative energy is not sufficient and enough to meet peoples needs. To exemplify, gas is much more efficient than electrical energy and also filling the cars petrol tank quicker than charging an electrical car. Critics also state that wind power or solar power is not easy to construct everywhere. They can only be built in a suitable place to be efficient. For instance wind turbines  must be built in a windy area to create energy, this means where wind turbines can be constructed is a little restricted. Likewise solar energy is useful in countries which have many hours of direct sunlight. In this situations, as the cost of construction increase also the efficiency decrease. Taking all these points into consideration, we can arrive at the conclusion that alternative energy should be a convenient energy source for future generation, because there is no other option for future generation nobody can claim that fossil fuels will last forever, this generation should regulate the usage alternative energy and also pay attention to the environment. Otherwise fossil fuel become most valuable things in the world and lots of people not allow or afford to benefit from it. Work Cited http://alternativeenergy.procon.org Dresselhaus, M.S., and I.L. Thomas. Alternative energy technologies.  Nature  414.6861 (2001): 332.Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 23 Dec. 2010. Kucuker, Hudaverdi. Occupational fatalities among coal mine workers in Zonguldak, Turkey, 1994-2003.  Occupational Medicine  56.2 (2006): 144-146.  Environment Complete. EBSCO. Web. 23 Dec. 2010. Park, Sang-Chul, and Dieter Eissel. Alternative Energy Policies in Germany with particular Reference to Solar Energy.  Journal of Contemporary European Studies  18.3 (2010): 323-339.  Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 23 Dec. 2010. Fischedick, M. ,  Langniss, O. and  Nitsch, J. (2000)  Nach dem Ausstieg-Zukunftskurs Erneuerbare Energie  Hirzel-Verlag , Stuttgart

Monday, January 20, 2020

Dell Case Study Essay -- Business and Management Studies

Dell Case study. In this report we are going to analyse the business environment of the computer industry in the form of a PESTE which stands for Political, Economical, Social-Cultural, Technological and Environmental. We feel that it is important to analyse the environment of a business as it will help the business to identify the Opportunities and Threats surrounding it. Using the case study of Dell we have identified the following opportunities and threats of the computer industry. Political There are a number of political issues, that large organisations such as Dell must consider when expanding or operating in different countries. Obviously government in the western world have different ideals to the countries in other regions. Rules and regulations in different countries would reflect their different ideals; so in order for companies to be successful, they must have a good understanding about how different governments operate. As stated in the case, patents and trademarks are prevalent in the computer industry, so it is important for organisations to develop good relations with different governments. Other elements that must be considered include: Currency exchange rates, taxation and employment law, labour conditions and political stabilities. Organisations should also understand different governments’ attitudes towards monopolies and competition. Economical Opportunities: 1) The computer industry is predicted to continue to grow in volume over the years. It is expected to grow between 15-20% over the next 3-5 years. This is influenced by the development of the internet and the global expansion opportunities. 2) The foreign markets like Asia and china were previously not accessible due to their political and economical environment. However the situation has changed eliminating barriers thus is now readily accessible; this is a big opportunity for the computer industry to grow in these regions. Threats: 1) Economical changes around the world can affect the computer industry. The biggest threat to the industry is the instability of the world market, for example Dell opened a new manufacturing facility in Brazil and the changes in the South American economical conditions could thus affect the company. 2) The currency fluctuation in different regions can affec... ...mation Ltd (2003) â€Å"European IT chiefs plan more investment in 2004 (analysts' views)† Computer Weekly, 9th of September - Ziff Davis Media Inc (2003) â€Å"HP Promotes PC Recycling† eWeek, 6th of February - Reed Business Information Ltd (2003) â€Å"Suppliers introduce price incentives to get users to invest in the latest PC hardware† Computer Weekly, 14th October - Simon Quicke (2003) â€Å"Suppliers' views; Top supply executives predict market upturn† Computer Weekly, 9th September, Reed Business Information Ltd - Adam Lashinsky (2000) â€Å"The Wired Investor: Once the drivers of the great bull market, PC makers have seen their stocks battered and bruised. The question is: Do they still deserve a place in your portfolio† Fortune, 18th December - Ben Elgin (2003) â€Å"Hitting the Delete on Compaq† Business Week, 14th of April, The McGraw-Hill Companies - Ziff Davis Media Inc (2003) â€Å"Dell Entering Consumer Electronics Market† eWeek, 25th of September - Andrew Park; Faith Keenan; Cliff Edwards (2002) â€Å"Whose Lunch will Dell Eat Next? Now, it's moving into printers, storage, and handhelds† Business Week, 12th of August, The McGraw-Hill Companies

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Cultural Considerations

Abstract In this paper, we will discuss the cultural differences faced within the criminal justice system. The differences include cultural beliefs, practices, race, gender, and etc. The criminal justice system in the United States does not have an exact solution on how to proceed and embed our country with the cultures beliefs and practices performed by now citizens of the United States. Within this paper, the cultural concerns will be addressed along with possible solutions on how to involve other cultural practices within our own western society.Lastly, Affirmative Action, the Employment Opportunity Act , and other nondiscrimination practices will be examined on how they have impacted the minority population along with the criminal justice system. Cultures & Criminal Law There are many cultures that reside within the United States. Within these cultures come different religious practices and cultural beliefs about their lives, in which some people may disagree about. So, if we do disagree about their beliefs, does it give us the right in the United States to imply we cannot perform those practices here because it’s against our laws?Actions that are illegal here may not be illegal in the country from where the individual is from, are to step aside and allow them to practice the belief anyways? The answer to both questions is â€Å"No†. We must not ignore both situations; this will only cause conflict and heartache for those involved. Criminal law with its emphasis on formal values such as legality and legal certainty faces problems when encountering social issues and social questions that relate to cultural conflicts and different perceptions of substantial principles of justice and morality (Nuotio, 2008).Due to the flexibility of criminal law, cultural issues may be taken into the account in various ways, should this turn out to be necessary. Criminal law is also a cultural phenomenon itself, representing the values of the community. Western c riminal justice is surely individualistic in many ways, as it aims at allocating blame and responsibility to individuals for their wrongful actions. At the same time, it is the part of law through which the political community largely defines itself be deciding about issues of right and wrong.In a modern context, cultural diversity causes extra pressure on political and legal systems, but it does actually render modern law even more important than before, and the substantial disagreements cannot be handled otherwise. One problem that we also must consider is that, even taking cultural context into account in criminal law might itself become a denunciatory practice, a denial of recognition. This view indicates that culture is like nature in that it influences and even determines the actions of the individual, thus limiting individual responsibility on factual grounds.Culture would then be regarded as a kind of force that actually diminishes responsibility for one’s actions in declaring it traditional and customary instead of highlighting its individuality. It is therefore, crucially important to think carefully about how and why culture matters. It might be that both culture and law have the potential to work towards non-recognition or misrecognition. Culture itself is not innocent in this respect. Cultural conflicts often have to do with the fact that different meanings are associated with actions and events by their various participants.The key question is then whether we must guarantee that the legal imputations always respect such cultural sensitivities. Are we generally entitled to have our own personal world-view respected by the courts when they decide cases in which we are involved? Would other solutions mean that some aspects that are constitutive of our identity will be publicly rejected? The conflict may often between the two expressions: that of the action itself, and that of its legal interpretation. Criminal law aims at replacing the meanin g and evaluation of the act given by the actor himself or herself, or the community, by a legal assessment of it.This might turn into a conflict of interpretation. Criminal law is a sort of institutionalized denial, taking standpoints and presenting them over the heads of the individuals in question as it communicates and allocates blame. For example, (Nuotio, 2008), suggests we could, more, generally, expect to see clashes over rights at every level (freedom rights, political rights, welfare rights), and we could also presume that at least some cultural conflicts will arise in the context in which defenders of a tradition are enforcing a traditional morality that clashes with the rights of the  individual.There are incidents of honor offences concerning forced marriages in which the father or brothers have violently forced an unwilling bride to marry or even killed her when she has insisted on marrying someone of her own choice. It is not rather contradictory if a person who hers elf fully enjoys all the rights and protection granted to her in a modern society strives to defend a cultural practice that is not compatible with such rights? We live in an iron cage, prisoners of our legal framework which has developed over many centuries. Against the Law?Actions may be wrong, no persons. The legal imputation should never, however, appear as fully accidental and surprising. Legal imputation requires a sociological back-up. People need to understand what has happened and why the legal system intervened. The criminal law provisions defining various offences are deemed to refer to actions in an understandable way, all of which takes place under the fundamental challenge of legitimacy and justice. Criminal laws do not speak directly about identities, as this field of law limits itself to issues concerning actions.But certain actions that are prohibited as criminally wrong might be relevant for the identity of particular persons. Issues related to sexual crimes produc e quite strong images of sexual manners and sexual identities. Such issues are being dealt with in modern criminal justice by a more fine-tuned approach than before. The protected interest is sexual autonomy, not public morals. However, while it seem reasonable to direct efforts toward recognizing cultural identity, respecting diversity to the point of justifying acts that threaten society’s values seems a dubious, even dangerous, policy.It would be difficult for a society to accept that certain acts to be tolerated and even justified solely on the basis of respecting the customs of other cultures; one need only think of the conflicts resulting from the justification of domestic abuse or violence. Communitarian policies of this nature could give rise to social instability, counterproductive to the goal of crime prevention (Carnevali, 2009). Police, EEO, & Affirmative Action Cultural differences in America will affect not only our laws, but the law enforcer whom enforce the la ws to start.It is important for police to understand the cultural experiences and dynamics of the communities they serve, these concerns go further. One of the reasons for focusing on cultural and other differences is that different people can have profoundly different experiences of the same event. There is no single, monolithic truth, but rather widely varying perceptions of reality. These perceptions are influenced by a number of factors; cultural background is one of them (Texas Highway Patrol Association Magazine, 2001).Along with cultural differences comes â€Å"cultural laws† to help protect those from discrimination from jobs, schools, disability, race, gender, and genetics. One of those laws include the Equal Employment Opportunity Act; applicants to and employees of most private employers, state and local governments, educational institutions, employment agencies and labor organizations are protected under federal law from discrimination on the following basis: race , color religion, sex, national origin; disability; age; sex (wages); genetics; and retaliation ( www. eeoc. gov.)Another law to mention that helped many minorities especially African Americans is Affirmative Action. Affirmative Action is a set of procedures designed to eliminate unlawful discrimination between applicants, remedy the results of such prior discrimination, and prevent such discrimination in the future. Applicants may be seeking admission to an education program or looking for professional employment (Legal Information Institute, 2014). Within these laws no person shall be turned down or turn away due to the color of their skin, gender, religious background, and etc.These laws have provided different races to choose our country to reside in maybe because of these laws, but many people have gotten better employment, able to attend colleges, and etc. Conclusion As long as we are the United States, there will be many different cultures and people in this country. This is what makes our country unique because we accept and enjoy people from different countries making the United States their home for the time being or permanent. However, with opening our doors to different people, also brings their culture with them.Now are we suppose to let them do whatever they want because their past country was acceptance of the practice, â€Å"No†, but this also does not mean we will not try to compromise with the practice by suggesting other methods or working out a solution to assist in resolving the issue. Last but not least, our country needs to make laws to embrace other cultural beliefs by exploring other options if not acceptance by our law in this country. Until then, cultural difference, practice, or religious belief will need to be taken into court, where the courts can make decision on what is acceptable by our law.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Global Counter Insurgency And The War On Terror - 1663 Words

Is ‘global counter-insurgency’ a viable strategy in the ‘war on terror’? After the 9/11 attacks in the United States, the War on Terror was the strategy that the Bush government developed with the aim to defeat the organization that had accomplished this attack, Al Qaeda. The immediate response of the Bush Administration after the attack was the invasion of Afghanistan, with the goal of eliminating and expel the targets that had made the country their sanctuary. This group was presented as the main threat of the 21st century, and as the enemy at the global scale. However, the idea of the War on Terror did not employ only in the Afghan context, the Islamic terrorist threat was spread through nine principal theatres . A new phenomenon had†¦show more content†¦With the lessons learned in these areas, Galula returned to France in 1956, the year in which the country was immersed in the Algerian war, which led him to request a command therein. It was here that Galula implemented for the first time their knowledge of COIN. Galula theory is based on the support of the population, an element that is recovered in the doctrine developed by Petraeus. This is divided between an active minority supporting the insurgency, an active minority who would be willing to support the force or forces that promote measures COIN, and finally, a large majority of the population passive (FM 3-24, 2006: 1-20). The aim of COIN operations would therefore gain the support of the active minority that is potentially in their favour, so that this in turn get mobilized the passive majority of the population against the insurgent group. Besides military measures to reduce and eliminate the insurgent forces, for the author it is essential to isolate the population of these groups, in order to avoid a possible mobilization of the same against the interests of the COIN. 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